Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos

Descubra como modernizar, gerenciar e monitorar aplicativos usando Kubernetes, seja o aplicativo hospedado localmente (on-premise) ou no Google Cloud. Este curso usa apresentações e laboratórios práticos para ajudá-lo a explorar e implantar usando Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), GKE Connect, Istio service mesh e recursos do Anthos Config Management que permitirão que você trabalhe com aplicativos modernos, mesmo quando eles estão divididos entre vários clusters hospedados por vários provedores ou on-premise.
Esta é uma continuação do Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine, e você precisará de experiência prática com as tecnologias abordadas nesse curso para melhor se beneficiar dele.


Neste curso, os participantes aprenderão as seguintes habilidades:
  • Implante o plano de controle de malha de serviço do Istio e proxies usando o gerenciador de pacotes Helm Kubernetes ou usando o add-on do Istio no GKE.
  • Monitore, descubra e monitore centralmente seus aplicativos baseados em microsserviços em clusters usando adaptadores de malha de serviço do Istio, incluindo Prometheus, Grafana, Kiali ou Stackdriver.
  • Defina e gerencie serviços de múltiplos clusters, com ingress, usando o Istio de código aberto por meio de topologias de plano compartilhado e de múltiplos controles.
  • Conecte e gerencie clusters on-premises e cargas de trabalho usando o GKE On-Prem.
  • Habilite a aplicação consistente de políticas em ambientes de múltiplos clusters usando uma abordagem de configuração como código e seu repositório Git seguro.


Esta aula destina-se ao seguinte público:

  • Technical employees using GCP, including customer companies, partners and system integrators: deployment engineers, cloud architects, cloud administrators, system engineers , and SysOps/DevOps engineers.
  • Individuals using GCP to create, integrate, or modernize solutions using secure, scalable microservices architectures in hybrid environments.


Para aproveitar ao máximo este curso, os participantes precisam atender aos seguintes critérios:


2 dias


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Dependências de outros cursos e certificações com o curso de Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos

Resumo do curso

O curso inclui apresentações, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos.
  • Describe challenges of hybrid cloud
  • Discuss modern solutions
  • Describe the Anthos Technology Stack
  • Understand Anthos GKE hybrid environments, with Admin and User clusters
  • Register and authenticate remote Anthos GKE clusters in GKE Hub
  • View and manage registered clusters, in cloud and on-premises, using GKE Hub
  • View workloads in all clusters from GKE Hub
  • Lab: Managing Hybrid Clusters using Kubernetes Engine
  • Understand service mesh, and problems it solves
  • Understand Istio architecture and components
  • Explain Istio on GKE add on and it’s lifecycle, vs OSS Istio
  • Understand request network traffic flow in a service mesh
  • Create a GKE cluster, with a service mesh
  • Configure a multi-service application with service mesh
  • Enable external access using an ingress gateway
  • Explain the multi-service example applications: Hipster Shop, and Bookinfo
  • Lab: Installing Open Source Istio on Kubernetes Engine
  • Lab: Installing the Istio on GKE Add-On with Kubernetes Engine
  • Understand service mesh flexible adapter model
  • Understand service mesh telemetry processing
  • Explain Stackdriver configurations for logging and monitoring
  • Compare telemetry defaults for cloud and on-premises environments
  • Configure and view custom metrics using service mesh
  • View cluster and service metrics with pre-configured dashboards
  • Trace microservice calls with timing data using service mesh adapters
  • Visualize and discover service attributes with service mesh
  • Lab: Telemetry and Observability with Istio
  • Understand the service mesh abstract model for traffic management
  • Understand service mesh service discovery and load balancing
  • Review and compare traffic management use cases and configurations
  • Understand ingress configuration using service mesh
  • Visualize traffic routing with live generated requests
  • Configure a service mesh gateway to allow access to services from outside the mesh
  • Apply virtual services and destination rules for version-specific routing
  • Route traffic based on application-layer configuration
  • Shift traffic from one service version to another, with fine-grained control, like a canary deployment
  • Lab: Managing Traffic Routing with Istio and Envoy
  • Understand authentication and authorization in service mesh
  • Explain mTLS flow for service to service communication
  • Adopt mutual TLS authentication across the service mesh incrementally
  • Enable end-user authentication for the frontend service
  • Use service mesh access control policies to secure access to the frontend service
  • Lab: Managing Policies and Security with Service Mesh
  • Understand the challenge of managing resources across multiple clusters
  • Understand how a Git repository is as a configuration source of truth
  • Explain the Anthos Config Management components, and object lifecycle
  • Install and configure Anthos Config Management, operators, tools, and related Git repository
  • Verify cluster configuration compliance and drift management
  • Update workload configuration using repo changes
  • Lab: Managing Policies in Kubernetes Engine using Anthos Config
  • Understand how multiple clusters work together using DNS, root CA, and service discovery
  • Explain service mesh control-plane architectures for multi-cluster
  • Configure a multi-service application using service mesh across multiple clusters with multiple control-planes
  • Configure a multi-service application using service mesh across multiple clusters with a shared control-plane
  • Configure service naming/discovery between clusters
  • Review ServiceEntries for cross-cluster service discovery
  • Migrate workload from a remote cluster to an Anthos GKE cluster
  • Lab: Configuring GKE for Multi-Cluster Operation with Istio
  • Lab: Configuring GKE for Shared Control Plane Multi-Cluster Operation