Logging, Monitoring, and Observability in Google Cloud

This course teaches participants techniques for monitoring and improving infrastructure and application performance in Google Cloud. Using a combination of presentations, demos, hands-on labs, and real-world case studies, attendees gain experience with full-stack monitoring, real-time log management and analysis, debugging code in production, tracing application performance bottlenecks, and profiling CPU and memory usage.


Neste curso, os participantes aprenderão as seguintes habilidades:

  • Explain the purpose and capabilities of Google Cloud’s operations suite.
  • Implement monitoring for multiple cloud projects.
  • Create alerting policies, uptime checks and alerts.
  • Install and manage Ops Agent to collect logs for Compute Engine.
  • Explain Cloud Operations for GKE.
  • Analyze VPC Flow Logs and firewall rules logs.
  • Analyze and export Cloud Audit Logs instances.
  • Profile and identify resource-intensive functions in an application.
  • Analyze resource utilization cost for monitoring related components within Google Cloud.


Esta aula destina-se ao seguinte público:

  • Cloud architects, administrators, and SysOps personnel

  • Cloud developers and DevOps personnel


To get the most out of this course, participants should have:


16 horas (2 dias)


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Dependências de outros cursos e certificações com o curso de Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud
Dependências de outros cursos e certificações com o curso de Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud

Resumo do curso

O curso inclui apresentações, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos.
  • Describe the purpose and capabilities of Google Cloud’s operations suite.
  • Explain the purpose of the Cloud Monitoring tool.
  • Explain the purpose of Cloud Logging and Error Reporting tools.
  • Explain the purpose of Application Performance Management tools.
  • Use Cloud Monitoring to view metrics for multiple cloud projects.
  • Explain the different types of dashboards and charts that can be built.
  • Create an uptime check.
  • Explain the cloud operations architecture.
  • Explain and demonstrate the purpose of using Monitoring Query Language (MQL) for monitoring.
  • Explain alerting strategies.
  • Explain alerting policies.
  • Explain error budget.
  • Explain why server-level indicators (SLIs), service-level objectives (SLOs), and service-level agreements (SLAs) are important.
  • Identify types of alerts and common uses for each.
  • Use Cloud Monitoring to manage services.
  • Use Log Explorer features.
  • Explain the features and benefits of logs-based metrics.
  • Define log sinks (inclusion filters) and exclusion filters.
  • Explain how BigQuery can be used to analyze logs.
  • Export logs to BigQuery for analysis.
  • Use log analytics on Google Cloud.
  • Explain Cloud Audit Logs.
  • List and explain different audit logs.
  • Explain the features and functionalities of the different audit logs.
  • List the best practices to implement audit logs.
  • Use the Ops Agent with Compute Engine.
  • Enable and use Kubernetes Monitoring.
  • Explain the benefits of using Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus.
  • Explain the usage of PromQL to query Cloud Monitoring metrics.
  • Explain the uses of Open Telemetry.
  • Explain custom metrics.
  • Collect and analyze VPC Flow Logs and firewall rules logs.
  • Enable and monitor Packet Mirroring.
  • Explain the capabilities of the Network Intelligence Center
  • Explain the features and benefits of Error Reporting, Cloud Trace, and Cloud Profiler.
  • Explain the functionalities of the Error Reporting, Cloud Trace, and Cloud Profiler.
  • Analyze resource utilization cost for monitoring related components within Google Cloud.
  • Implement best practices for controlling the cost of monitoring within Google Cloud.